Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas 2007!

Happy Holidays from our family to yours!

Since we live near the ocean in beautiful Southern California, we went to the beach on December 14th and had a friend take photos of us. Enjoy!

Evan is a very happy 4 year old. He loves his Pre-K class, pirates, Buzz Lightyear (from the Toy Story movies) and playing video games (takes after Jason). His favorite phrase these days is "Funny, right?" He is always trying to make you laugh.

Quinn, whose nickname is "Quinny Q," is an adorable 1 1/2 year old. He talks all the time, although he does not pronounce the first syllable of most words (e.g., water sounds like "ater"). His main exceptions are "Eh-Eh" for Evan, "Te-Te" for Auntie Tracy, and "Car-Car" for Carter. But he says Mommy and Daddy very clearly. He knows how to get what he wants! He is such a sweetie and loves giving "ugs". He's also very good at going to "eep" at night.

We wish you all the best this holiday season and in the coming new year!
Love & peace ~ Jason, Trina, Evan & Quinn

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Awards for Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Jason works at Naughty Dog, and in November they released the game Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. They just won GameSpy's PS3 Gamers' Choice Award for 2007. And they came in second for GameSpy's PS3 Game of the Year. They have been getting great reviews from many game sites. You can read them at GameRankings and MetaCritic.

Congrats to Jason and the whole Uncharted team!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Santa Claus is coming to town!

Santa Claus came to El Segundo on December 6th for the tree lighting ceremony on Main St. He even gave presents to the kids.

Then Santa visited Evan's school yesterday during their school party. Evan was a little shy, so Mommy went to talk to Santa with him. Evan asked Santa for "Buzz." Quinn also got a turn to talk to Santa. He grabbed at Santa's beard and said "chin" (probably trying to figure out where his chin went). Then Quinn and his friend Sophia (Ben's little sister) sat with Santa.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Rain rain go away, Come back another day, Hey!

On November 30th, it really rained here in Southern CA.
The boys liked wearing their rain boots.

Aargh and Roar!

Before Halloween, we went to a local pumpkin patch with Evan's Pre-K class. Evan is in the front row in the middle sitting next to his best buddy Ben.

Here's a photo of Quinny and his mommy.

The next day, Quinn's "Mommy & Me" class dressed up. Here's a class photo with the kiddos who were willing to stay still long enough.
Quinn is the lion in the middle.


Evan was a pirate for Halloween (again!).