We hope this holiday season finds you surrounded by loved ones, remembering the good memories of this past year and excited about adventures to come!

It's been a very busy year for the Gregory Family.
First, let's talk about Jason, the over-achiever. He continues to program video games at Naughty Dog in Santa Monica, CA. They are currently working on Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, due out Fall 2009. He has also been teaching the Programming Game Engines class at USC. But his passion this year has been writing a book about video games entitled Game Engine Architecture: a Comprehensive Guide. His publisher is AK Peters, and it will hopefully be released in March in time for GDC 2009 where he will also be giving a talk. He works very hard and doesn't sleep much, but we are all proud of him!
I (Trina) still spend most of my time taking care of Evan and Quinn. Evan was in a co-op preschool last year where he went 5 mornings a week, and I worked one day in the classroom. Now Quinny is in the co-op preschool 2 mornings a week, and I work one morning. On the one morning that I drop off Quinn, I go to Evan's school to help during computer lab. We just love his teacher Mrs. Atteridge and Center Street Elementary School here in El Segundo. Just like Jason, I have also been teaching part-time. The past 2 semesters (Winter & Fall) I taught Web Publishing and Java Programming at USC. In 2009, I will continue to teach those classes as well as a new one. I'm currently developing a class on how to write applications for the iPhone.
Evan is now a Kindergartener. He loves math and science and will follow you around while counting to a thousand. He definitely has the engineer gene. His passions are video games (playing, acting out, talking about them) and Star Wars Legos.
Quinny is 2 and a half - need I say more. He climbs on everything, runs around all the time, talks non-stop, annoys his brother, etc. He is also sweet and lovable. He asks me all the time, "Are you happy, Mommy?" And then he smiles. How can I not be happy, even though he has just made a huge mess!
Please look at the below posts to read about other advertures we had this year. For 2009, we are really looking forward to an addition to the Osterhus family. Tracy, Trina's twin sister, will be having another boy. What fun the cousins are going to have! I will continue to update this blog throughout the year after major events and such. Please check back.
We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
May all your dreams come true in 2009!
Love, Trina, Jason, Evan and Quinn (& the cats - Topaz and Mango)