Thursday, November 19, 2009

Check out this cool widget provided by the publisher of Jason's book, AK Peters:

Monday, June 29, 2009

Jason's got game...

Jason authored this book, and it is now available on several websites including Amazon, Borders, and Barnes & Noble.

This book covers both the theory and practice of game engine software development, bringing together complete coverage of a wide range of topics. Intended as the text for a college level series in game programming, this book can also be used by amateur software engineers, hobbyists, self-taught game programmers, and existing members of the game industry. Junior game engineers can use it to solidify their understanding of game technology and engine architecture. Even senior engineers who specialize in one particular field of game development can benefit from the bigger picture presented in these pages.

Jason been working very hard on it for the past 2 years. He wrote every word (860+ pages worth), created all the diagrams, and even designed the front cover. What an accomplishment!

He continues to work as a game programmer at Naughty Dog on the Uncharted 2: Among Thieves game. This new game for the PS3 will be available in the fall. At E3 (the world's largest video games trade show), Uncharted 2 won many awards. Game Critics Awards, a group of game critics from mainstream and enthusiast publications in North America, named the PlayStation 3-exclusive Uncharted 2: Among Thieves E3 2009's Best of Show. In all, Uncharted 2 garnered these awards: Best of Show, Best Console Game, and Best Action/Adventure Game.

All of Jason's hard work (and that of his co-workers) is really paying off.
We are very proud!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy VI Birthday EVAN

Using the force, Evan, his friends and his family had a great time celebrating his 6th birthday on June 14. (His actual birthday is June 15.)
Just like his dad, Evan is a huge Star Wars fan.

Evan designed his own cake and wanted it in the shape of 2 lightsabers. With inspiration from Ace of Cakes, Jason & Trina created his cake. The red lightsaber (the dark side) is chocolate cake, and the blue lightsaber (the good side) is white cake (actually butter). We used fondant for the handles and sparkly sugar glitter for the lightsabers. Jason even wrote Evan in "Star Wars" font. Click on the image for a closer look.
(Just don't ask how long it took to make. What we do for our kids!)

Evan insisted on getting a photo of him & his friend Ben pretending to fight with the lightsabers.

It was a wonderful day spending time with family & friends. We are blessed!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March Fun

On St. Patrick's Day, Evan's kindergarten class and another kindergarten class did some Irish dancing for the parents and the entire school.
(Then a leprechaun rearranged his classroom.)

Here is Evan walking into the auditorium, and then he is posing after the performance.

Evan and Maya dancing during the performance.

The next day Quinn's preschool class went ice skating. 

Quinn's favorite part was the hot cocoa afterwards and watching the zambonis.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Look at me, I'm 3!!!

On March 7th, Quinn turned 3.

He says, "I'm three" which sounds more like "I'm fwee!"

We celebrated in his preschool class last Wednesday with "cupcakes" (banana muffins with homemade chocolate frosting).
It was also green day.

On Sunday, we had a small party at home. Quinn got to invite his friends, and he picked all girls - Sophia, Hannah, Karen, Kathleen, & Zoe! His cousin Carter & Sophia's siblings were also invited. For the theme, he picked Backyardigans.

Here's Quinny looking at his Backyardigans cake that Mommy, Aunt Tracy, & Daddy made. Yum!

Quinny loves playing with his friend Sophia.

Hannah gave Quinny a kiss, and he puckered up for it.

I asked Quinny what he likes, and he said, "I like to eat cake, watch video games and play games."

His favorite color is yellow. He loves playing with Evan (when they are not fighting), going to the park, and having books read to him. Currently, he wants to wear his pajamas all the time. We make him wear regular clothes to go out of the house. When he comes home, he changes back into pajamas (hence the photos in his PJs). He is such a joy!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

He's here...

There's a new addition to the family. Tracy and Doug have a new
baby boy.

Welcome Cooper Axel Provins!

Tracy gave birth via c-section at 9:41am on January 19, 2009. He weighed 7 lbs, 6 oz and measured 20". He is a beautiful, healthy baby.

Tracy had a scheduled c-section on Monday morning. Here are photos taken before and after surgery.

The last belly shot...

Before surgery...

The first shot of the baby...

Getting weighed...

First shot with Mommy and Daddy...

Auntie Trina got to go into the delivery room towards the end and then she stayed with Tracy in the recovery room.

In the afternoon, Carter came to meet his little brother and wanted to show him his new toy.
Here's a photo of the new family.

Here are some photos of Cooper's first day visitors - Grandma Sandy, Aunt Kaye & Uncle Paul, Grandpa O (Grandma O not pictured), Aunt Tae & Uncle Phil, and (Honorary) Aunt Rachael.

Here's a photo of Cooper with Tracy's wonderful OB/GYN
Dr. Trina Manes.