Sunday, March 02, 2008

Carter is 4!!!!

On January 6th, cousin Carter turned 4! He and three of his friends, Landon, Jackson & Gavin, celebrated their birthdays on January 26 at Harry Griffen Park in La Mesa. The knights had a wonderful time making crowns & swords, exploring the maze in the castle, and feasting on pizza & cake.

As you can see, they had the best jumpy EVER! All of the kids loved it! Here's Carter going down the slide and then Evan & Quinn together.

The dragon cakes were a big hit. Carter did a great job blowing out the pretend lit candles (the wind was blowing). And then Carter & Evan put their fingers in the frosting just like Namma taught them.


Carter loved the Razor he got from his parents!

According to Carter, now that he is four, he can use scissors. So cute!

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