Friday, September 05, 2008

First Day of School

Evan started Kindergarten this week at Center St Elementary School
in El Segundo!

On Wednesday, September 3rd, Mommy & Evan attended his class for one hour where we got to meet his new teacher Mrs. Atteridge and get comfortable with the classroom. We live just behind the school, so I took pictures of Evan by a tree on the way to school and walking through the back gate.

On Thursday, he started his regular schedule which is 8:20 am - 12:45 pm. He has to carry a big backpack to hold an 8.5x11 folder and a separate lunch bag. Quinn and I picked it up from school and took more pictures. (Quinn wanted his photo taken too!)

I wanted to take a picture of Evan with his new teacher Mrs. Atteridge, but he decided to just take a picture of her himself. So this is his view of his new teacher. She is so nice and energetic!

It's going to be a great year!


Ginger said...

What a big boy he is now... kindergarten makes it official! :) Evan, have a wonderful year! May God richly bless you as you travel on the academic road. You have two of the very best guides! :)

Much love,

Anonymous said...

Hi Evan,
It was fun to look at your pictures from the first day of school and thank you for taking my picture too!
Mrs. Atteridge
P.S. Thank you also for the great school supplies for our classroom!