Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I'm Growing!

I'm three weeks old and growing. I already weigh 10 lb 2 oz.

Here's a photo of me and my mommy:

Here's a photo of me and my big brother Evan:

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Name Game

You may be wondering why we named our new little bundle of joy Quinn Leo Gregory. Well, here's the scoop. We both like unusual names, and Quinn was a favorite of both of ours. It is also Jason's middle name. Oh, and it scores high points in Scrabble. Leo is after Trina's twin sister Tracy and her very close friend Stacey. Both of their middle names are Lee. (We altered it to Leo to sound more masculine.) Also, Jason's mom's zodiac sign is Leo, so it seemed fitting all around.

Here's a photo taken on March 14. We had a doctor's appointment on March 13, and he already weighed 9 lbs 1 oz. He's a good eater!

Our first son's name is Evan Jeffrey Gregory. We chose his name for a number of reasons. There are a lot of Johns on Jason's side of the family, and Evan is Gaelic for John. We also just liked the name Evan.... OK, actually, the real reason is that we saw an Evan Street on the way home from Santa Barbara, around the time Evan was just a twinkle in our eyes. Yeah, that's really it. Evan's middle name was much more meaningful. Both Trina and Jason have close friends named Jeff -- Jeff Jaehnig and Jeff King.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Tomorrow, March 10th, is Daddy's birthday,
and we are happy to be home!

We came home on Thursday, March 9th, and here are some photos.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

He's Here!

Say hello to Quinn Leo Gregory! He was born at 3:41 pm on Tuesday March 7, 2006. He weighed in at a whopping 8 lb 12 oz, and was 22.5 inches tall at birth.

Mommy and baby are both doing fine, recovering at the hospital with one very proud Dadddy.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

He's Coming...

Trina is scheduled to be induced to have baby boy #2 on Wednesday, March 8th, at Little Company of Mary Hospital in Torrance.

Here is a photo of Evan after he was born in June, 2003. I wonder if his baby brother will look like him. Can't wait to find out!

Trina's basketball has officially turned into a watermelon. It's time!