Tuesday, March 07, 2006

He's Here!

Say hello to Quinn Leo Gregory! He was born at 3:41 pm on Tuesday March 7, 2006. He weighed in at a whopping 8 lb 12 oz, and was 22.5 inches tall at birth.

Mommy and baby are both doing fine, recovering at the hospital with one very proud Dadddy.


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS ALL! good luck with what the naive think of as a level playing field - two kids, two adults. You'll find out how uneven that is, over time....

Anonymous said...

Quinn Aries, surely?

Anonymous said...

Fabulous...what a hunk! Congratulations to all. The fun has just begun...soon two will be singing (yelling) at once! Love it...this "time" is so short lived...how precious they are, however, forever.

Anonymous said...

He's perfect! I love the name!! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

What a chunk! I think Evan is going to have his hands full!!! :-)


Sandy & Fred

Anonymous said...

To the proud parents!!
What great news! Congratulations and best wishes....
June :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! "Now you qualify as real parents" (quote from Bill Cosby). When something happens you will never know who did what. We love the name you have chosen. Hope to see you all soon. Love you, Aunt K and Uncle Paul

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful baby boy. Quinn is just darling. Looks like he is ready to take on the world. Congratulations to you all and best wishes. Love, Ken and Jenn

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the name...very original and yet easy to pronounce and spell. You have the perfect family, now that Quinn has arrived!

Anonymous said...

The baby is cute

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the 3 of you on the arrival of Quinn! What a cute baby, would love to hold him but too far away. Grandma Joyce can hold and rock him for me. A kiss to all of you! Evan looks like you will have your little hands full with your new brother.

Love to all!

Cousins Tilinda & Karl