Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy 3rd Birthday, Evan!!!

On June 15th, Evan turned 3 years old.
Here's a photo of Evan on his birthday.

Due to his love of reading the books, Evan had a Curious George-themed birthday party. It was fun monkeying around with family and friends. Aunt Tracy made a banana cake (Martha Stewart's Monkey Cake recipe), and Mommy decorated it.
Quinn, who is now 3 months old, had fun too!
P.S. Happy Father's Day to Jason and Trina's Dad!


Anonymous said...

Gotta love that guy! : ) Kim

Drew Watts said...

Many happy returns of the birthday. My son's first birthday and his baptism eve was celebrated last month. Was confused about the venues but finally booked one of the small wedding venues Los Angeles for a closed friends get together. Sweets and chocolates were ordered online. Food was all of best quality.